Messy Organization Already...? (Student Organization Tips)

Mastering organization is hard. Unlike set classes for math, reading, and science, there aren’t many places to learn or reinforce organization skills. This makes your student’s focus on these areas even more crucial at home. The good thing is, you and your child can follow along with our research-backed strategies and as a result, make management of academic courses easier and learning more efficient.  

We worked with students over the summer in our organization workshops and are seeing the habits they’re putting into place pay off! BUT… it’s never too late to get organized.

Some of the topics we covered include: binder organization, using a paper planner, making to-do lists that actually work, time management, scheduling, digital tool management, and stress management. We mention this because organization skills are comprehensive and cover many areas of your students’ life. Identifying which areas your student needs the most help in focuses their attention on improving certain areas.

This Week's Organization Tips: Sunday Reset + Digital Drives

  1. Sunday Reset: Sunday is a day to prepare for the upcoming week and make sure all is set for school on Monday. Have your student dedicate time each Sunday to organize their backpack (including putting loose paper into folders or binders), update their planner or Google Calendar, and pack needed items for the week. This is also a great time for a mental reset.

    Action Item: Have your student take a few moments to reflect on what they did well or need to improve on from last week, and choose 1-2 of those things to focus on this week for success. 

  2. Create a digital drive: Using your student’s school email or Gmail account, create a digital drive with folders to house all homework, essays, and projects. Students are increasingly using Google Docs and need a place to keep them all. In the drive, create a folder for each class and drag the documents and online assignments into their respective folders. You can learn more about organizing a Google Drive here.

