Academic Coaching

Long-term academic success is rooted in the development and maintenance of effective academic habits, such as those associated with organization, motivation, time management, and prioritization of work. Our Academic Coaching service is designed to help students develop and reinforce such habits, thereby improving their confidence and sense of control. Difficulties in school are rarely due to a lack in ability; instead, they are often the product of undeveloped habits and underutilized resources. Our coaches meet each student at their current level and develop plans to help them take charge of their education and achieve their full academic potential.

Is Academic Coaching Right for My Student?

In our experience, Academic Coaching is broadly applicable and has proven beneficial for students with generalized academic difficulties; students who are doing well overall but still require attention in some key areas; and students who are currently, or soon will be, experiencing a jump in difficulty in their academic careers. Here are some common scenarios in which Academic Coaching might be a good fit for your student:

  • My student is overwhelmed by their course load and/or is struggling to stay on top of their work

  • My student is doing well but doesn’t seem to be performing at their full potential

  • My student is currently, or will soon be, transitioning from middle school to high school, or high school to college

  • My student is moving to a new school and needs academic support

If you are concerned about your student’s performance in only one academic subject, please visit our Subject Coaching page for more details.

How Does It Work?

Based on an initial consultation call and the subjects of concern, we will pair your student with one of our four academic coaches. The coach will then meet one-on-one with your student on a once or twice weekly basis, focusing on developing your student’s core academic skills while addressing any subject-specific questions that may arise.

Barring an immediate concern such as an upcoming test or project, the first session is typically dedicated to establishing a baseline of your student’s academic strengths (and weaknesses), motivation, organizational skills, time management, and prioritization of work. In subsequent sessions, the coach will work closely with your student to address any gaps in the aforementioned areas. Of course, this coaching is done in the context of the classes your student is currently taking, so if your student has class-specific questions, the coach will address these as well

What Can I Expect as a Parent?

We understand that managing and staying on top of your student’s academic progress can be difficult and time-consuming at times. Our goal is to relieve some of that pressure and make the transition to coaching as seamless as possible. All of our coaches offer flexible scheduling, recommended session frequency, and regular session reports and grade summaries.

Session-to-Session Scheduling

We do not use package deals, so you won’t have to worry about paying for more sessions than your student needs. All scheduling is done on a session-to-session basis, so you only pay for the services you use.

Why Octant Academics?

We are a trusted source of academic advice and knowledge, and our goal is to help your student thrive on their own. We are trying to work ourselves out of a job by providing the coaching and resources your student needs to be able to succeed on their own, in any academic environment. If you have have any questions or concerns that have not been addressed, please send us an email at We are here to help!