How to End Your Day (To Have a Great Morning)

Watching your student rush to gather all their school stuff each morning and then receiving a text from school with some variation of ‘I left my homework on the counter’ is not our fave. But we’ve been there and found that adding a structured routine to the end of the day helps minimize these less than ideal moments. 

Nightly habits to implement for academic success: 

  • Pack the backpack each night: Run through our backpack checklist for everything your student needs. Print and place it in your student’s study space to easily check each night. Include any sports equipment, lunch, and anything needed on a daily basis. 

  • Designate one spot for school stuff: At the end of the night, bring all school items back to the study space/backpack packing area. 

  • Make lunches the night before: If you can, have lunch ready the night before to throw into a backpack on the way out the door.

Action Items: 

For middle school students: Encourage your student to pack their own backpack (you can always be nearby for help) and gather all needed materials.

For high school students: Take organization to the next level by spending 5-10 minutes each night writing out what the next day will look like (to-do list, daily schedule, etc.). Check things off throughout the day for better organization and productivity. 

Further Reading and Resources
